Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Cuillin Ridge

I hope in April to be able to walk the Cuillin Ridge in one day. That's only possible if the weather conditions will be favorable. The body conditions are ok, the skills are also not a problem.
The ones who doesn't know what The Cuillin Ridge means: it's the hardest en longest Climbing Experience in the UK!
The most exciting part of my effort is that I've never been on the Cuillin Ridge before so I'm trying to prepare myself with all kind of information. I've the best material now: MapSource of the UK with topografic maps, the Guide of Andy Hyslop one of the fastest walkers on the Ridge, Google Earth and some videos.
Reading maps and orienteering is one my jobs, so I think it will be a great challenge and that's why I like it much more.
Yesterday I've tryed to mark all the summits and delicate parts of the Ridge, so now I've a good track for in my GPS.
I'm really looking forward for this fantastic challenge! I've also placed the GPX and GDB file of the Cuillin Ridge below, so if there is somebody who look at it and give comments... thanks!

Cuillin Ridge (gpx file)
Cuillin Ridge (gdb file)

Instructions GPX file: save the page as a .gpx file. Now you can open it with programs like MapSource or put in your GPS.


  1. Geweldig, als je maar voorzichtig bent.
    Ik wou dat ik jonger was en mee kon!!!
    Ik zie de foto's wel?
    We wensen je een heel mooie reis!!

  2. Siegurd - came across your blog. Did you every get to do the Cuillin Traverse. I sent you a video of the traverse before you went on it. Have just re-constructed my site - see . There is plenty of munro action now on the site - just passed the 200 mark a couple of weeks ago.


    David Galsworthy (

  3. Hi David! I was in Scotland for one month in May but did not managed to go because I had no backup from friends and then it's too hard. But it's still on the planning!
    I will take a look at your site!
    Thanks for asking! I'll keep you informed!

