Yesterday, after a twelve day course, I had my First Aid exam and I was successful!
As a mountaineer it is very important to know the skills of reanimation, the initial care for an illness or injury like broken limbs or altitude sickness or Hypothermia.
I'm very happy with it but it wasn't really hard to get because I've been always interested in the world of first aid.
In june this year I will also follow the very difficult EHBBO training. That's dutch for Eerste Hulp Bij Bergsport Ongevallen and that means First Aid At Mountain Injuries.
I will go to Zermatt in Switzerland and I will be trained by the world famous Alpine Rescue Center Air Zermatt. We will handle all the most occuring injuries in the mountains and we will be trained in preparing a patient for an helicopter evacuation.
Maybe I will stay two days longer and try to climb Matterhorn...
Super, congratulations!